Daniel 9:27 the Most Misunderstood Verse in the whole entire Bible for Prophecy
Dear Saints:
The following is an article that was on my website that I am making available for many of you who need MUCH UNDERSTANDING of Bible Prophecy!
In the last few years in my studies, I have come to the conclusion that this verse is by far one of the most misunderstood verses in the entire Bible.
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Daniel 9:27
I have truly had to scratch my head in bewilderment trying to figure out where this so-called seven year tribulation comes from. I would like to allow the Bible to interpret itself and I would like to see anywhere from three to five other scriptures throughout the Holy Scriptures to support this twisted theory. I am speaking of Scriptures, not shadows and types. SCRIPTURES! To date, I have not been able to find one! NOT ONE!
The Daniel prophecy goes on to tell us that this Lord Jesus the Messiah would accomplish some six things during the course of His ministry.
A. Finish Transgression – lechalle, to restrain, the transgression, which was effected by the preaching of the Gospel, and pouring out of the Holy Ghost among men.
B. Make and end of sins — rather ulehathem chataoth, “to make an end of sin offerings:” which Our Lord did when He offered His spotless soul and body on the cross once for all.
C. Make reconciliation for iniquity – ulechapper, “to make atonement of expiation” for iniquity: which He did by the once offering up of Himself.
D. Bring in everlasting righteousness – tsedek olamim, that is, “the righteousness, or righteous One, of ages;” that the person who had been the object of the faith of mankind, and the subject of the predictions of the prophets through all the ages of the world.
E. To Seal velachtom, “to finish or complete” the vision and prophecy; that is, to put an end to the necessity of any farther revelations, by completing the canon of Scripture, and fulfilling the prophecies which related to his person, sacrifice, and the glory that should follow.
F. Anoint the Most Holy, kodesh kodashim, “the Holy of holies.” mashach, to anoint, (from which mashiach, The Messiah, the anointed One), signifies in general, to consecrate or appoint to some special office. Here it means the consecration or appointment of Our blessed Lord, the Holy One of Israel, to be the Prophet, Priest, and the King of mankind.
All this Our Lord and Saviour accomplished, and in the middle of the final week of seventy years, or exactly three and a half years after His baptism:
“He was cut off, but not for Himself.” Daniel 9:26
Reading on into verse 27, we find these words:
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause sacrifice and the oblation to cease…..” Daniel 9:27
Those who are adamant proponents of modern dispensationalism and the school of prophetic futurism (which they should have given another name, because the Last Book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ does have an end time fulfillment at the End of the Age) try to tell us that the “he” in this verse refers to a future Antichrist, the Prince of verse 26, who having made a covenant with the Jews, breaks it after three and a half years, and causes the sacrifices and rituals of the rebuilt Temple to cease or be discontinued. However, this is a blatant example of taking a text of the Holy Scriptures from it’s context and making it into a pretext to substantiate error or false doctrine.
Who therefore is the prophecy referring to? What is the Covenant that is made? And how was the temple sacrifice and worship made to cease?
The “He” is Messiah the Prince, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Covenant spoken of is the New Covenant, signed and sealed in His own Blood at Calvary, by which redemption and remission of sins was made available to the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and the whosoever will repent and obey the Gospel. For evidence let us read the following Scriptures.
“Behold, the days come, said the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt: which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah 31:31-33
“And He (Jesus) took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it: For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:26-27 (and if you will look in your King James Bible, you will see this footnote by this Verse of Daniel 9:27 in your side margins).
Daniel’s 70th week ended in 34 A.D. with the martyrdom of Stephen and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the household of Cornelius. For some forty years, a Bible generation of testing, trial, and probation, the Jews refused, resisted and opposed the proclamation of the New Covenant Gospel of Salvation. In 67 A.D. they rebelled against the might of Imperial Rome, and a three year conflict commenced. The climax of these events came in 70 A.D. when the armies of the Roman Prince Titus, the son of the Emperor Vespasian, laid siege to Jerusalem. The Jewish historian Josephus records the horrors of the siege in graphic detail. One million Jews perished by famine and the sword, some ninety thousand being sold into slavery when the Romans finally captured the city. The remaining Jewish Zealots had sought refuge in the Temple precincts and so the Romans launched a final assault during which a soldier threw a piece of burning wood into the inner sanctuary ruins, set up the Roman standards and offered the traditional sacrifice of an ox, a sheep, and a pig. He subsequently offered the systematic destruction of the city and the leveling of the Temple site to the ground, to its base platform. Thus was the remainder of Daniel’s prophecy fulfilled by Titus the Prince, and by his people, the soldiers of Imperial Rome.
To study out the whole passage of Daniel Chapter 9, The Seventy Weeks, the following is provided.
The Captivity, which was then drawing to a close, had lasted 70 years, Daniel is here told by the angel that it would be “70 weeks” till the coming of Messiah. Verse (24)
The “70 weeks” is generally understood to mean 70 weeks of years, that is, 70 sevens of years, or seven times 70 years, that is 490 years. AS if the angel were saying, “The Captivity has been 70 years; the period between the Captivity and the Coming of the Messiah will be seven times that long.
Seven, and cycles of seven, sometimes have symbolic meanings: yet the actual facts of this prophecy are most amazing, as follows:
The date from which the 70 weeks was to be counted was the decree to re-build Jerusalem, Verse (25) There were three decrees issued by Persian kings for this purpose, 536 BC, 457 BC, 444 BC, see under Ezra. There principal one of these was 457 BC.
The 70 weeks is subdivided into 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week, Verse (25) (27) It is difficult to see the application of the “7 weeks;” but the 69 weeks (including the 7) equal 483 days, that is, on the year-day theory, Ezek. 4:6, which use to be the common accepted interpretation, 483 years.
This 483 years is the period between the decree to re-build Jerusalem and the coming of the “Anointed One,” Verse (25). The degree to rebuild Jerusalem, as noted above, was 457 BC. Adding 483 years to 457 BC brings us to 26 AD, the very year that Jesus was baptized and began his public ministry. This is a most remarkable fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy, even to the year.
Thus Daniel foretold not only the time at which the Messiah would appear, but also the Duration of his Public Ministry, and His Atoning Death for Human Sin.
In closing, it truly is mind boggling to see how scripture has been twisted and perverted in the last two hundred years at least, concerning this prophecy. And certainly way beyond this! It would do you well to study for yourselves and find out who each of the following are.
1) Ribera
2) Bellarmine
3) Alcazar
4) Veiyra
5) Canisius
6) Lacunza who wrote under the assumed name of Rabbi Ben Ezra.
All Jesuit priest, who have given you what is taught today as Bible Prophecy!
Remember: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no kingdom of priest unto me.” Hosea 4:6