Will the Jews Rebuild The Jerusalem Temple ?
Dear Saints:
The following is for your learning, education and understanding of things from a Historical Viewpoint of History, which most do not have access to. I pray this will be a great blessing for many and an educational course for some. In the days in which we live, I am truly amazed at the Biblically illiterate masses that will believe anything and everything they are told! Further, I am amazed that “professing” so called believers will not study to show themselves approved and they will believe such fanciful fables. As I’ve said before, and make sure you quote me precisely, “Do not look for some little tiki god to sit in a rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Palestine, making an image of himself for all to worship. For the man of sin that you search for is being revealed right in front of your very eyes as the mystery of iniquity unfolds!” That is of course, “For those with eyes to see!”
While I do believe that we will see persecution upon the True Saints of God at the End of the Age, (as I can personally attest to), just as it is occurring all over the world at this present time and has occurred all throughout history. However, it will not be anything like what you’ve been taught in your popular prophecy circles that subscribe to Modern Dispensationalism according to the Infamous Scofield; and Jesuit inspired Prophetic Futurism. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy!
In 1967 certain students of prophecy, those whom we call Futurists, were greatly excited by the fact that as a result of the Six-Day War, the West Bank of the Jordan , the old city of Jerusalem , with its Wailing Wall and the site of the original Holy Temple had passed into the possession of the Israeli Zionist State . Great and extravagant predictions were made, not the least of the being that despite the presence of two Moslem Mosques on the site, the Jews would now commence to rebuild the ancient temple and reinstitute animal sacrifices. Some twenty years have now passed without further major developments, with the exception of the attempt by a crazed fanatic to burn down the El Aqsa Mosque, one of the two Islamic sanctuaries which stand on the Temple Mount .
However, the recent uprising of the oppressed Palestinian Arabs, beginning in December 1987, some seventy years after General Allenby’s deliverance of Jerusalem from the Turks in 1917, has once again raised the issue, and Palestine has become a centre of world attention. We all witnessed the dreadful scenes on the Temple Mount , when during the Moslem Friday prayers, Israeli Zionist security forces fired tear gas into the Moslem Mosque known as the Dome of the Rock, on of the holiest shrines of the Islamic Faith. At the same time Rabbi Meir Kahane, leader of the extremist Zionist Kach movement, and himself an elected member of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset wrote in his new book, “Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews.” “Will we manifest and prove our faith in the only possible way – actions, terribly difficult, sometimes terribly dangerous? Actions that hold onto the land of Israel , that drive out the Arab, that cleanse the Temple Mount .”
In such an atmosphere what would be the next dramatic development? The Futurists were not long in supplying us with their standard answer; the Mosques would be removed and the Jews would rebuild their Temple . Various Futurist preachers, books, and magazines began to inform us that the stones for the rebuilding were already cut and ready to be put in place, that a number of young Orthodox Jews at Yeshivah Ateret Hacohanim had been closely studying the priestly rituals and sacrifices in secret for many years and would be ready to perform these in the rebuilt Temple. Expectations have been heightened, and one group even claim to have discovered the lost Ark of the Covenant under a Franciscan Monastery in the Holy Land, and that the Rothschild’s are ready to raise the Ark and place it in the new Temple which their finance will have helped to construct. Whilst this may all be very interesting and exciting, and whilst I do not doubt for a moment that certain Zionist groups and their fanatical Fundamentalist Christian allies, the so-called Christian/Zionists would love to carry out such a project, we need to ask the vital question: IS IT SCRIPTURAL?
“To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
Before seeking an answer to this question, we must first define what we mean by Futurism, and the origin of this school of prophecy, which has swept over the vast majority of Fundamental, Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches .
The Origin and False Foundation of Futurism
What exactly do we mean by Futurism or the Futurist interpretation of prophecy? I have listened to their preachers and read many of their books and I think it is fair to say that they transfer all prophecy to a future fulfillment during a period of either seven or three and a half years at the end of this age, during which they claim six main events are to take place.
1. The Secret Rapture of the Church
2. A Revived Roman Empire
3. The Head of that Revived Roman Empire, the Beast or Anti-Christ, whom they identify with the Prince of Daniel Chapter 9:27 will make a Treaty or Covenant with the Jews.
4. Anti-Christ will sit in a rebuilt Jewish Temple at Jerusalem .
5. Anti-Christ will break his Treaty with the Jews, ushering in a time of unprecedented persecution, which they say is The Great Tribulation.
6. All of this is to take place during the prophetic era known as “Daniel’s 70th Week,” which they detach from the rest of the prophecy in Daniel Chapter 9 and postpone until the end of the age.
Having defined Futurism, we also need to know its origin. The plain fact is that the novel theories which I have just outlined were unknown in Protestant Christendom until about one hundred and fifty years ago. The great Reformers, Martyrs and Puritans had with one voice proclaimed the Historist interpretation of Prophecy, which stated that the Papacy was Anti-Christ, The Roman Church, Mystery Babylon the Great, and that the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse were a continuous outline of the historical events up to the present time.
Naturally such an interpretation was not to the liking of Papal Rome, and so from the time of the so-called Counter Reformation, the theologians of the Roman Catholic Church began to undermine the prophetic foundation of Protestantism by devising a rival or alternate scheme of prophetic interpretation. Some six Jesuits priests were largely responsible for inventing what we now call Futurism. They were:
1. Ribera
2. Bellarmine
3. Alcazar
4. Vieyra
5. Canisius
6. Lacunza who wrote under the assumed name of RABBI BEN EZRA. (Note from Laurie: This should ring some bells!)
The fables of Futurism finally gained entry into Protestantism by way of Edward Irving, founder of the Catholic Apostolic Church , and John Nelson Darby the founder of the Plymouth Brethren Movement, both in the 1830’s. These theories were popularized in the notes of the Schofield Bible and today Futurism accounts for ninety per cent of all the prophetic teaching, preaching, and writing in the Evangelical, Fundamental and Full Gospel Church World.
The Temple Site and Its History
The actual Temple site or level platform on which Herod’s Temple stood is about 1,500 feet in length from North to South, and some 900 feet from East to West. It covers the original area where David once offered sacrifices on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, and where King Solomon’s magnificent Temple was erected and stood as the Centre for Israelite praise and worship for the next four centuries until its destruction by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
Upon the return from Babylon exile to Jerusalem of the 42,000 strong remnants from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, a new Temple was erected on the site by Zerubbabel, making use of the surviving ruins and fragments of Solomon’s buildings. This sanctuary was subsequently defiled by the Seleucid King Antiochus Epiphanes, and then cleansed and rededicated for worship by the Maccabees in 167 B.C., an event which gave rise to the Jewish Festival of Lights or Hanukkah. Some years before the birth of the Lord Jesus, Herod the puppet Edomite/Idumean King of the Roman occupied province of Judea, began to rebuild, restore and beautify the Temple, down to the very foundations, in an endeavor to please his Jewish subjects. That work was still in progress when Jesus ministered in the Temple courts and ejected the moneychangers, and in fact it was only completed in 64 A.D., some sixty years before its final destruction by the armies of Titus of the Roman Prince in 70 A.D.
Two more important facts regarding the present site need to be understood. On the Temple mount or platform today, there stand two Moslem Mosques: The El Aqsa and the Mosque of Omar or the Dome of the Rock, which was erected by the Caliph Omar and completed in 688A.D. The Dome is a magnificent building, octagonal in shape and embellished with marble, porcelain tiles, stained glass windows and the most beautiful mosaics. It is situated over the very rock which marked the summit of Mount Moriah where faithful Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac to demonstrate his obedience to Almighty God.
Why The Temple Can Never Be Rebuilt
The Temple site remained unused from 70A.D. until the Fourth Century, when the Roman Emperor known as Julian the Apostate, knowing that the will of God was that it should not be rebuilt, decided to demonstrate his rebellion against the Almighty by commencing work on a new structure. Historians record that fire came mysteriously out of the earth compelling the workman to cease building operations. When the Caliph Omar rode into Jerusalem in the Seventh Century he found the Temple mount in a heap of rubbish; the refuse of the city having been thrown there for generations by Christians to show their contempt for the Jews. Omar had the site cleared and erected the Mosque which bears his name as a covering and protection over the holy rock, claimed as the site where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac. The Dome of the Rock and its sister shrine, the El Aqsa Mosque have been permitted by God to stand upon the site ever since in order that no Jewish Temple can be rebuilt. The reason why such a Jewish Sanctuary cannot be reconstructed is quite simple if we would but search the Scriptures. The Jerusalem Temple with its priesthood, rituals, furnishings, and animal sacrifices, like its predecessor the Wilderness Tabernacle, pointed forward in type and shadow to the coming of Israel’s Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was both our great High Priest, and at the same time the final and ultimate sacrifice of all the ages; the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. When the agony of Calvary’s vicarious sacrifice reached its climax, the God-Man Jesus Christ, cried out:
“It is finished: and He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.” John 19:30
At the self-same moment in the Jerusalem Temple, the great curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the rest of the sanctuary, and through which the High Priest passed but once a year, was split:
“And behold the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” Matthew 27:51
It was now impossible, to quote the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, for the Jewish priests and their animal sacrifices to take away or cover sin and transgression. The Lord Jesus Christ had made every other priest redundant.
“But this man (Jesus) after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God.” Hebrews 10:12
“For by one offering He hath perfected forever, them that are.
sanctified…. there is no more offering for sin.”
Hebrews 10:14-18
Jesus Christ has made one complete and efficacious sacrifice for sins forever. To rebuild a Jewish Temple and reconstitute a sacrificing priesthood would be the ultimate in blasphemy.
For forty years after Calvary (a Bible generation of trial, testing and probation) the sacrifices and rituals of the Jewish Temple continued, whilst the Jews hardened their hearts, rejected the offer of mercy under the New Covenant and actively persecuted the Apostles of Christ. The destruction of their city and Temple by the Romans Legions of Titus in 70 A.D. fulfilled the warnings of the Lord Jesus to Jewry.
“That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharius son of Barachias whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. Verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation. O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how oft would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under wings, and ye would not. BEHOLD YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE. For I say unto you, ye shall see me henceforth; until ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Matthew 23:35-39
And we saw earlier, our Lord warned them that not one stone would be left standing of all Herod’s beautiful Temple, and He clearly stated to them,
“The Kingdom of God , shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” Matthew 21:43
Futurism’s Four False Interpretations
In the ninth chapter of the Book of Daniel we find a prophecy, commonly referred to as “Daniel’s 70th Week,” which has become a corner stone and foundation of Futurism. By taking the Scriptures out of context to make them a pretext, the Futurists tell us that this prophecy foretells the coming of a one-world dictator, the Prince of the Prophecy, who will make a Treaty or Covenant with the Jews, break it after 3 ½ years and sit enthroned for worship in a rebuilt Jewish Temple, from which he will impose the Mark of the Beast, and unleash the horrors of the Great Tribulation. To call this interpretation fanciful would be kind; to call it downright deceptive would be accurate. Let us now examine the Seventy Weeks Prophecy and see for ourselves.
In the Book of Daniel we read these words:
“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.” Daniel 9:24
The people of the prophecy were Daniel’s people, the Judah section of the House of Israel. The holy city referred to was undoubtedly Jerusalem . The time-facet given is Seventy Weeks. Now we need to determine how long this would be, using the prophetic time-scale of a year to a day.
1 DAY = 1 YEAR
70 WEEKS = 490 YEARS
We must now go on to determine the starting point when the Seventy Prophetic Weeks or 490 Years began, and so we read:
“Seven weeks and three score and two weeks, the street shall be built again and the wall, even in troublesome times, and after three-score and two weeks shall Messiah the Prince shall be cut off, but not for himself. Daniel 9:25-26
The starting point is the Decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem . This came about in 457 B.C. under the Medo-Persian monarch Artazerxes. The people were then to spend
Sure enough, 483 years after the Decree of Artaxerxes, in 27 A.D. (allowing one for the crossing over from B.C. to A.D.) the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized by John in the waters of the River Jordan, being declared to be the Son of God with power, when the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove and the voice from heaven proclaimed:
“This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17
As Paul so aptly puts it in Galatians 6:4
“When the fullness of time was come God sent forth His Son.”
The Daniel prophecy goes on to tell us that this Lord Jesus the Messiah would accomplish some six things during the course of His ministry.
A. Finish Transgression
B. Make an end of sins
C. Make reconciliation for iniquity
D. Bring in everlasting righteousness
E. Seal up the vision and prophecy
F. Anoint the most holy
All this our Lord accomplished, and in the middle of the final week of seven years, or exactly three and a half years after His baptism:
“He was cut off but not for Himself.” Daniel 9:26
Reading on into verse 27, we find these words:
“And He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week, He shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease.”
The Futurists try to tell us that the “he” in this verse refers to a future Anti-Christ, the Prince of verse 26, who having made a treaty or covenant with the Jews, breaks it after three and a half years, and causes the sacrifices and rituals of the rebuilt Temple to cease or be discontinued. However, this is a blatant example of taking a text from its context and making it a pretext to substantiate error and false doctrine.
Who therefore is the prophecy referring to? What is the Covenant that is made? And how was the Temple sacrifice and worship made to cease?
The “He” is Messiah the Prince, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Covenant spoken of is the New Covenant, signed and sealed in His own blood at Calvary , by which redemption and remission of sins was made available to the House of Israel and to the House of Judah, and the whosoever will repent and obey the Gospel. For evidence let us read the following Scriptures.
“Behold the days are come saith the Lord that I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah 31:31-33
“And He (Jesus) took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it. For this is my blood of the New Covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:27-28
The Lord Jesus by His once for all atoning sacrifice at Golgotha, instituted the New Covenant and made the rituals and animal sacrifices of the Jewish Temple to become obsolete and ultimately to cease, as we read:
“Jesus when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost (died). And behold the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” Matthew 27:50-51
No Jewish priest was needed any longer to take the blood through the veil, once a year into the Holy of Holies. Christ our great High Priest had completed the work of sacrifices and atonement.
Now you may well be asking, if this is so who is the Prince and who are the people who destroy the city of Jerusalem and its sanctuary, as we read in the remainder of the Daniel prophecy:
“And the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolations are determined… and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Daniel 9:26-27
Daniel’s 70th Week ended in 34 A.D. with the martyrdom of Stephen and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the household of Cornelius. For some forty years, a Bible generation of testing, trial and probation, the Jews refused, resisted and opposed the proclamation of the New Covenant Gospel of Salvation. In 67 A.D. they rebelled against the might of Imperial Rome, and a three and a half year conflict commenced. The climax of these events came in 70 A.D. when the armies of the Roman Prince Titus, the son of the Emperor Vespasian, laid siege in graphic detail. One million Jews perished by famine and the sword, some ninety thousand being sold into slavery when the Romans finally captured the city. The remaining Jewish Zealots had sought refuge in the Temple precincts and so the Romans launched a final assault during which a soldier threw a piece of burning wood into the inner sanctuary and soon the magnificent building was ablaze. Titus then marched into the sanctuary ruins, set up the Roman standards and offered the traditional sacrifice of an ox, a sheep and a pig. He subsequently ordered the systematic destruction of the city and the leveling of the Temple site to the ground i.e. to its base or platform. Thus was the remainder of Daniel’s prophecy fulfilled by Titus the Prince, and by his people, the soldiers of Imperial Rome.
The Futurists make much of the Scripture which states:
“And that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God showing himself that he is God.” II Thessalonians 2:3-4
On the basis of this verse they go on to proclaim that their coming one man Anti-Christ, the future super human, world dictator will be enthroned in a rebuilt Jewish Temple at Jerusalem to receive worship and adoration. This overlooks three very important facts:
1. Anti-Christ is not an open enemy or opponent of Jesus Christ, but rather a counterfeit or usurper who takes the place, titles and dignities of Christ. The Greek word ANTICHRISTOS, always denotes a Vice-Christ or a substitute Christ. Here are some examples of the way in which Greek writers of the Biblical era would have used ANTI to mean a substitute rather than an open opponent.
These are sufficient to illustrate the point.
2. Anti-Christ refers not to a one man show at the End of the Age, but to a whole dynasty of substitute Christs down through the centuries i.e. The Papacy. The Futurists insist that Paul’s use the term Man of Sin substantiates their theory, but by comparing Scripture with Scripture we find that this is not the case. In the Epistle to the Hebrews, we find the whole dynasty of High Priests in Israel referred to as ‘one man’ (Hebrews 9:7). Again we are told that the entire company of believers in all ages is but ‘one body’ (1 Corinthians 12:12). Similarly the whole line of believers is referred to as ‘one new man’ (Ephesians 2:15) When we look back at Daniel’s vision of the various Beasts, he describes the entire ruling dynasties of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome as being ‘four kings,’ one king in each case symbolizing or standing for a dynasty.
3. The Greek wording in II Thessalonians 2:4, refutes any idea of Anti-Christ, sitting in a literal, physical Temple at Jerusalem . If Paul had wanted to state that the Man of Sin would be seated in a rebuilt Jewish Temple, receiving worship, he would undoubtedly have used the Greek word HIERON, which is used on some twenty five other occasions in the New Testament to describe the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem during Jesus day. Instead Paul used the Greek word NAOS, which according to Young’s Analytical Concordance and Strong’s, means a ‘dwelling place’ or ‘inner sanctuary.’ When the Lord Jesus used this same word NAOS in John 2:19-21, He used it to refer not to a building in Jerusalem but to His own body:
“Destroy this temple (NAOS) and in three days, I will raise it up….He spake of the (NAOS) of His body.”
In the other Pauline Epistles, the word NAOS has been defined meaning other than a building in Jerusalem .
A) “What agreement hath the Temple (NAOS) of God with idols… For ye are the Temple (NAOS) of the living God.” II Corinthians 6:16
B) “Ye are the Temple (NAOS) of God. If any man defile the Temple (NAOS) of God, him shall God destroy, for the Temple (NAOS) of God is holy, which Temple (NAOS) ye are. I Corinthians 3:16-17
C) “In whom all the building fitly framed together growth unto an holy Temple (NAOS) in the Lord.” Ephesians 2:21
It is crystal clear that Paul used NAOS to refer to the Church which is the Body of Christ, and not to denote a physical building or sanctuary. Paul was not teaching that a one-man Anti-Christ would sit in a rebuilt Jewish Temple at Jerusalem to receive worship, but rather he was foretelling the rise of a dynasty of counterfeit Christs, the Popes of Rome who would receive the worship and adoration of organized Christendom, as was especially true during the Dark Ages prior to the Reformation. To further illustrate this point we quote from the Roman Catholic newspaper the ‘Universe’ in its edition of June 27th 1846, which gives a vivid description of the ceremony of the installation of the Pope. As you read this account, bear in mind the wording of II Thessalonians Chapter 2. Out of their own mouths they stand condemned.
“He (the Pope) is borne in Pontifical Chair, and is placed on the High Alter, a spot consecrated by the actual presence of the body, blood, soul and divinity of the living Christ. He sits on the High Altar using it as his footstool, and enthroned as King, he is adored as God, in the same manner as the consecrated wafer, adored by the Cardinal Princes, who kiss his feet which rest on the Altar of the Supreme. HE SITS IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD SHOWING HIMSELF AS IF HE WERE GOD.”
In their desire to establish some sort of Biblical support for their idea of a reconstructed Jewish Temple, the Futurists place great emphasis on the record given in the last nine chapters of Ezekiel’s prophecy (Chapters 40-48), which give a detailed description of a future Temple. In what circumstances however was Ezekiel writing and to what does this detailed Temple vision refer? The book of Ezekiel contains some thirteen visions and revelations given to the prophet over a period of over twenty five years of exile in Babylon . Each of these thirteen documents is carefully dated, but the documents have not been arranged in that order, as the Book of Ezekiel is set out in our Bible. So whilst it appears that the Temple vision of the last nine chapters was God’s final revelation to Ezekiel, the fact is that these final chapters actually come much earlier on. The prophecy has nothing whatsoever to do with a rebuilt Temple in the modern Zionist State but rather was a vision given by God to Ezekiel in 574 B.C. of a last offer of mercy and forgiveness to the Ten Tribed House of Israel taken into Assyrian captivity some one hundred and fifty years earlier, and a section of whom were still dwelling in the province of Ecbatana in Media. Ezekiel was sent to offer them a written scheme for national restoration which would embrace a new division of the land of Palestine , a reformed priesthood and a rebuilt and remodeled Temple . Furthermore, Ezekiel’s offer was to embrace all Twelve Tribes of Israel, whilst the present day Zionist State contains only a remnant of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, outnumbered by Edomite and Khazar Jews, who whilst practicing the Jewish religion and adhering to the creed of political Zionism are not true Israelites. Ezekiel’s Temple vision does not support or substantiate the Futurist concepts.
Closely linked to the Futurist fables of a personal Anti-Christ, and a rebuilt Jewish Temple complete with animal sacrifice, is the equally false concept that a one-man Anti-Christ or Dictator, will revive the old Roman Empire , and reunite the various kingdoms and states which came into being after 476 A.D. It is over the resurrected Roman Empire that the personal Anti-Christ of the Futurists is supposedly to rule and reign. This theory is based upon the visions recorded for us in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7; in which the four great Gentile World Empires of history, Babylon , Medo-Persia , Greece and Rome are foretold in sign and symbol.
In Daniel Chapter 2, they are seen as the four metals in the image of a man, and in Daniel Chapter 7 as four wild beasts of great ferocity (see the accompanying chart). The final stage in both visions results in a ten-fold division; the ten toes on the feet of the image in Daniel Chapter 2 and the ten horns on the final beast of Daniel Chapter 7. Undoubtedly these refer to the ten kingdoms which emerged in Europe after the collapse of Imperial Rome. These were the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Lombards, Alans, Suevi, Burgundians, Franks, Barvarians and Allemani. So far the interpretation holds true, but with the formation of the European Economic Community or Common Market in 1957, the Futurists began to preach and predict that this was the first stage toward the creation of a ten-nationed United States of Europe to be ruled by their oft predicted, future, personal Anti-Christ. It is now that their interpretation breaks down, because it stands in direct contradiction to Divine Prophecy which says that the old Roman Empire will never again be revived and united under one head.
Empires and Daniel, Chapter 2 Daniel, Chapter 7
Babylon Head of Gold A lion with eagles wings
Medio-Persia Chest and arms of A bear
Greece Belly and thighs of A four-headed leopard
Rome Legs of iron A ten horned beast—
Dreadful and terrible
10 Kingdoms Feet with ten toes of Ten horns
iron mixed with clay
1. Goths
2. Ostrogoths
3. Visigoths
4. Lombards
5. Alans
6. Suevi
7. Burgundians
8. Franks
9. Bavarians
10. Allemani
We find in Daniel, Chapter 2 that the Roman Empire is represented by LEGS OF IRON symbolizing unity, strength and power, but upon its break up and collapse, there emerge feet and toes whose division and lack of cohesive unity is perfectly predicted in this verse.
“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Daniel 2:43
Will the Roman Empire be resurrected in all its old strength and reunited under one head?
The futurists say YES, the Bible says NO. The old Empire of the Caesars was broken up in 476 A.D. and remains broken until this day. It is part iron, part clay, partly strong, partly weak, partly democratic, partly dictatorial, partly socialist, partly capitalist; it will not be joined together. Down through the centuries Roman Catholicism, working with and through the prevailing political philosophies which have risen and fallen in Europe, has tried to perform this impossible task of reviving and reuniting the old Roman Empire and creating a Europe Roman Catholic from the Atlantic to the Urals. We see on the stage of European history, Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, we see the might of the Hapsburgs in the era of the Counter Reformation, Louis XIV, the Sun King of France, Napoleon, the Kaiser, Hitler and Mussolini with their Rome-Berlin Axis, and now the E.E.C. All have failed and will fail. Yet in spite of both the evidence of history and in defiance of the plain words of prophecy, Futurism still awaits its revived Roman Empire and its personal Anti-Christ receiving worship in a rebuilt Jewish Temple at Jerusalem .
We are nearing the end of our study and the true facts are emerging from behind the veil of Jesuit inspired Futurism.
1. Anti-Christ has already come in the Papacy.
2. Europe will remain divided; the Roman Empire will not be revived.
3. The Temple with its Moslem Mosques will remain until the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
4. There will be no rebuilt Jewish Temple.
What then is the ultimate destiny of Jerusalem ? For the answer we must now turn to Zechariah Chapter 14. There we find that as a result of the final Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty, and the massive earthquake which will accompany Christ’s return to the Mount of Olives, the present city of Jerusalem , the centre of Apostate Judaism, Islam, Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism is destined for destruction. The entire topography of the area is to be changed dramatically, and the newly rebuilt Jerusalem of the Millennial Kingdom Age, is destined to be a warm water port and the centre of universal worship for the Lord Jesus, who shall reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, ruling the nations with a rod of iron. Let us close with the Biblical record of these future events.
“Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the East, and toward the West, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the North and half of it toward the South… and it shall be in that day that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea; in summer and winter shall it be. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day there shall be one Lord and His name one. All the land shall be turned as a plain…South of Jerusalem…but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited…and it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.”
Zechariah 14:3,8,9,10,11,16
By: Alan Campbell B.A.
(The contents of this book are based upon an address given by Mr. Campbell at May 1988 Broughshane Convention of the Covenant People’s Fellowship.)
Alan Campbell is a graduate of London University and the Head of Religious Studies at a large High School near Belfast . He is the author of some twenty other booklets on Bible Prophecy and related topics, and has lectured extensively on Protestant and Prophetic platforms throughout the United Kingdom , U.S.A. , Canada , and Australia , and is a World Historian.
(Please see live audio link below)
I would strongly recommend to anyone who is a serious student of Bible Prophecy that you broaden your horizons in the 21st Century! We, here in America as well as in Great Britain have been duped by false doctrine and false teachers. (This is an understatement!) These individuals are blind leaders of the blind. In closing, the Bible, the Holy Scriptures and History go hand in hand! This is something that you need to commit to memory and remember forever and ever. Jesus Christ (The Word made flesh) the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever! World without end!
In His Service,
Laurie Wallace
Bond Servant of Jesus Christ Rev. 11:15
“The Bible puts the power of a local church into the hands of a godly pastor. But the cunning Jesuit successfully managed, over the years, to remove that power into the hands of the Vatican .” Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit Priest. The above quote is what Rivera said about the Vatican penetration into all Protestant churches through “her” Jesuit order.
The bottom line is: don’t put your trust in a denomination, but in the infallible Word of God.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35